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What is CSF? 


CSF Application


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What is CSF?

Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California. CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship and community service for California high school students. CSF encourages service to the school and the community while fostering pride in academic scholastic achievement.

How do I get into CSF?

CSF Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are earned each semester. In order to become a member, the student must submit an application each semester. A point system specified in CSF State By-Laws establishes the membership requirements. To secure eligibility for CSF membership, a student must earn sufficient points from pre-approved course lists. The majority of required membership points must come from University of California accepted course work.

How to become a member?

  1. Fill out application and meet the necessary qualifications. Sign up during registration week (to be announced in August - sometime during the first month) of each semester. Signups will take place in room 617 during homeroom and lunch. 
  2. Submit a copy of last semester’s report card or transcript.
  3. Pay $5 CSF application fee.

To secure eligibility for CSF membership a student must earn sufficient points from their school’s pre-approved course list. The majority of the required membership points must come from a varying combination of high school courses which are UC/CSU “a-g” approved. Points are granted based on letter grades received in these courses. Additional points will be granted for Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors courses. Currently, CSF does not grant additional points for four-year university level or four-year university transferable community college level coursework. Summer school shall not be used for semester membership. This also applies to college courses taken during the summer. 

Where can I get more information?

Students who have any questions about CSF may ask the officers during the meetings. Students may also ask the club advisor.

REMEMBER: You must sign up EVERY semester. Dates of registration to be announced.

How do I qualify as an ACTIVE member?

Active members not only fulfill the academic requirements for CSF membership, but also participate in chapter activities at a level predetermined by the chapter adviser and officers; it is expected that such participation should exemplify the CSF motto of “Scholarship for Service.” At EDHS, to be considered an active member, students should earn three (3) service points each semester. These points may be earned through club sponsored community service, outside community service (see form below), and/or fundraisers.

How do I qualify as a lifetime member (sealbearer status)?

Lifetime members all receive a seal on their diplomas and a notification on their transcripts.  Additionally, ACTIVE lifetime members will receive a gold cord at graduation, front-row seating at graduation, and an acknowledgment during the graduation ceremony.  Active membership is achieved by completing the necessary coursework AND community service points during each semester.

To achieve lifetime member/sealbearer status, students must qualify for four semesters of CSF during their sophomore through senior years with at least one semester during their senior year.