Associated Student Body
Student Government. El Diamante has an active student government that is comprised of an Executive Board and Senate. The board members are elected each spring and include ASB President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Rally Commissioner, Spirit Commissioner, Publicity Commissioner, Senior President, Junior President, and Sophomore President. The Freshmen President is elected in the fall and is added to the board at that time. The Miner Senate is comprised of representatives from each homeroom, club, sports team and all other ASB member organizations.
2024-2025 Officers:
ASB President-Diego Medina-Gutierrez
Vice-President- Grace Yates
Secretary- Mia Cortez
Treasurer- Sophia Benevento
Rally Commissioner- Lila Krebsbach
Spirit Commissioner- Blake Rivas
Publicity Commissioner-Sarah Glasscock
Equity and Inclusivity Commissioner- Christian Freeman
2025 President- Mikayla Moreno
2026 President- Blake Huard
2027 President-Moises Bravo
2028- Moses Mendez
Leadership/ASB: The EDHS ASB is dedicated to servant leadership. The goal of the ASB is to promote a positive school climate by fostering growth in spirit, character, and community service. The ASB supports and promotes clubs and organizations on campus with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. The ASB sponsors events and activities with the goal of participation from all students on our campus.
Miner Senate: The Miner Senate is the representative body for all EDHS. The members are chosen from each homeroom, club, ASB member organization and competitive team. The Miner Senate is the voice of students and a reflection of the diverse population and culture on our campus. The Miner Senate meets as needed but will meet a minimum of once every six weeks.
United Students Association of Visalia: The United Students Association of Visalia is a representative body as organized by VUSD Board Policy. The USAV meets as needed but will meet a minimum of five times per year. The five presidents will be the representatives to this organization. The ASB President will serve as the sworn member to the VUSD School Board.
Clubs: There are a variety of clubs on campus but any group of students may apply to the ASB Board for permission to form a club by submitting an application packet provided in Student Services. The packet includes the following:
- Application
- Proposed constitution
- Budget
- Student Petition for approval
The club will not be officially added to the ASB until approved by the ASB Board. See the EDHS Club Advisor Handbook for more information.
Activities/ Events: The ASB sponsors many events through out the school focusing on a variety of groups. Students can participate in any of the following: Ice Breaker Dance, Homecoming, Sports/Student Recognition Rallies, Battle for the Saddle Week, Mr. Miner, Kindness Week, Kid’s Day, Week of the Arts, FFA Week, all school dances, tailgates, Senior Events and many more. Please see the link for our activities calendar for specific dates.
ASB Stickers: ASB events are sponsored through the fundraising efforts of the ASB. Students can support the events and activities on campus and save money at those events and activities by purchasing an ASB sticker. The sticker is $35 and you will save every time you attend a home game, $10 of each dance ticket and there are other discounted events through the year.
Fundraising: Fundraisers must be approved by ASB and the school administration before they are held. All forms and club minutes must be submitted at least two weeks before proposed date. Compliance with Education Code, appropriateness and safety will be considered before approval will be given. (EDHS Club Advisor Handbook page 18-20)
For more information, contact our Activities Director, Mrs. McBride:
- Application
- Proposed constitution
- Budget
- Student Petition for approval