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Parent Groups

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC meets during the school year independently and in conjunction with the EDHS School Site Council (SSC) to insure the following:

  • A curriculum which reflects the diverse needs of all students
  • The promotion of activities which recognize and appreciate cultural diversity and the uniqueness of every student
  • The development of a school climate which offers equal opportunity and acceptance of all staff and students

Representatives to ELAC may be nominated by any El Diamante staff member, student or parent.  Parent representatives must have a student who participates in the English Learner Program.  Students who serve on the committee must participate in the English Language Development Program.  Balloting for committee members will be done each fall during the yearly Back to School Night.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

The GATE Committee meets during the school year independently and in conjunction with the EDHS School Site Council (SSC) to ensure the following:

  • All students, including those formally identified as gifted and/or talented, are provided with appropriate differentiated instruction to their need, so that all students have equal educational opportunity
  • Efforts are made to identify and support students within all district approved identification categories including all seven intelligences.
  • Funding shall support teacher training, student's materials which enhance differentiation, and/or enrichment activities which meet the needs of gifted students.

Representatives to the GATE Committee may be nominated by any El Diamante staff member, student, or parent.  Parent representatives must have a GATE identified student. GATE identified students may choose to serve on the committee. Balloting for committee members will be done each fall during the yearly Back to School Night.

Individuals interested in serving on these committees should contact the school office.  Nomination forms will be mailed home prior to the first day of school and voting will be held at Back to School Night in September.

Miner Foundation

The purpose of the Miner Foundation is to provide support to all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs at El Diamante High School. Community members, parents, students, and staff work together to provide financial support to programs which offer opportunities to students involved in academics, athletics, visual and performing arts, pep and cheer, student government/leadership, and business connections. Individuals who would like to be part of the Miner Foundation should contact Kim Nelson, Principal. Please check the website, bulletin and marquee for upcoming events. 

Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) 

Click here to join PTSA.

Click here to add EDHS PTSA on Facebook.

The mission of PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all our students and families. 

The El Diamante PTSA is a partnership of parents, teachers, students, and community members working collaboratively for the benefit of the school.  We advocate for all students.

We support students, teachers, and staff by providing volunteers at various school events throughout the school year, as well as financially supporting EDHS projects and staff needs.

PTSA meetings are informative they give you an update on upcoming events and changes regarding school events and policies.  Attending these meetings is an opportunity to obtain answers to any questions that you might have about the school.   

Anyone can be a PTSA member!  The cost is only $15.00 per parent/guardian and $10.00 per student.  You can drop off your membership dues at the finance office or sign up online.  Click here to join.  PTSA registration forms were provided in the student’s academic packets at the beginning of the school year and are available in the finance office, as well.

  • Meetings are generally held on the second Monday of each month in the Library from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.  Principal Jeff Hohne attends.  Anyone is welcome to attend - parents, students, teachers and community members!
  • Volunteers Needed: El Diamante is in need of parent volunteers all year long. We have many opportunities available to help in the morning, afternoon or at evening events.  You can e-mail Dawn Vink at with your contact information.
  • PTSA Scholarship Awards: Make sure your senior student joins PTSA so they will be eligible for our PTSA scholarship and California State PTA scholarships!  Contact Student Services for more information. 

School Site Council (SSC)

The El Diamante SSC has established the same meeting schedule as the PTSA: each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Library.  Representatives to the SSC may be nominated by any El Diamante staff, student or parent.  Balloting for council members will be done each Fall during the yearly Back to School Night.  The purpose of the SSC is to:

  • Serve in an advisory capacity with the School Site Plan and the Safe School Plan as aligned with the district's agreements and expectations
  • Allocate and monitor categorical funding
  • Review the effectiveness of programs and instruction