Attendance Office Info
Please call to report your student's absence using the info below:
Grades 9-11 Last Names A-L |
Grades 9-11 Last Names M-Z |
Grade 12 All Seniors |
Mrs. Aimee Gonzales Attendance Clerk 735-3516 |
Ms. Carol Vargas Attendance Clerk 735-3517 |
Ms. Jessica Cervantes Admin. Assistant 735-3508 |
Attendance Policies
Parents need to call the attendance office within 24 hours when your student is absent
from school. Any freshman, sophomore or junior student who is out due to illness for
more than three consecutive days must present a doctor’s note on the day of their return
in order to clear the absences. A senior student must present a note each time they are
out ill as stated in the 94% policy (see below).
Doctor Appointments
Parents need to call first thing in the morning to order a leaving pass for their student
when they have a doctor’s appointment. The student should pick up the leaving pass
early in the day so that they can show their teacher the pass and leave class at the
appropriate time. Please also arrange a meeting point with your child in advance so they
know where to meet you once they are released from campus.
Items being dropped off for students
The El Diamante Office cannot accept any items for students, including food, practice equipment, or clothes.
Parents must arrange for students to pick up items either between passing periods or at lunch.
The Student Attendance Review Board reviews cases of students with at least 10
unexcused absences. This is the first step in the legal process to ensure that all students
are attending school regularly.
Court Attendance Review Board reviews cases that were not resolved through the SARB
process. This is the second step of the legal process and the case is turned over to the
court system and law enforcement agencies become involved in monitoring student
94% Attendance Policy for Seniors (Board Policy AR 5127)
- Students must be in class at least 94% of the periods during the senior year of high school to
participate in commencement ceremonies.
- This is not an excused/unexcused absence policy. It is an attendance policy. The type of
absence does not matter with the following exceptions:
-doctor appointment or a doctor mandated stay at home
-subpoenas to court
-funeral or an immediate family member
-approved and completed furlough
-participated in a school activity
- It is up to the student to bring verification from the doctor or court for an exception. Otherwise,
the absence will count against the policy. Verification must be brought within three school days
following the absence.
- Saturday School attendance (all four hours) may clear one absence. Banking of Saturday
School credit is NOT allowed.
Appeal Process
An appeal must be originated by the parent. This appeal must be in writing using the Attendance
Policy Appeal Form available in the Attendance office.
The appeal board consists of the Principal, Attendance Secretary, Counselor
and one teacher. The appeal board’s decision is final.